Tweet Archive for hashtag “#skin” « page 8
RT @ducrest: @La_Peaulogie A must read in French to better understand this important trio #skin #cosmetics and #pollutants
Wisdom & fair ba…
@La_Peaulogie A must read in French to better understand this important trio #skin #cosmetics and #pollutants
Interesting – Non-melanoma #skin cancer as a clinical marker for internal malignancies: a Korean population-based c…
Plasma cells and #skin – here another reason why defining #skinhealth is so challenging! #dermatology #dermatologia
"IgM plasma cells reside in healthy skin and accumulate with chronic inflammation" — Wilson & co provide evidence that plasma cells reside in healthy skin, develop independently of T cells & microbiota, supply primarily IgM at the barrier, &…
— JIDJournal (@JIDJournal) November 27, 2019
RT @ducrest: Are you a startup dealing in #dermatology #plasticsurgery #skincare or a #skin centric #innovation #startup? We want you at IM…
The sirtuin 6: An overture in skin cancer (and beyond skin biology & #skin diseases)… via…
‘Hyperhotspots’ could predict #skin cancer risk… #dermatology #skincancer #dermatologia #cancerdepiel
RT @SeemalRDesaiMD: #Skin #disease, in particular #pigment issues are one of the major reasons patients with @SkinOfColor seek the care of…
WAOUH so👌 Living #skin can be 3D-printed with blood vessels included:
1/ publication in Tissue Engineering PartA…
How cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability? #NobelPrize
Human #Skin cells can see bleu light and now they a…