Tweet Archive for hashtag “#quantifiedskin” « page 10
How Apple decides which HealthKit data types to add – Fitzpatrick #skin types & more… #dermatology #quantifiedskin
Melanoma-Detection Devices : Detecting Skin Cancer @MoleScope #WCD2015 #quantifiedskin…
@MoleScope do you have any interest lecturing abt #quantifiedskin at a congress early 2016?
#nodatanotrust This gadget analyzes your skin and tells you how to improve it… via @Techinasia #quantifiedskin
UV exposure is one of the four new health features Apple is adding to Healthkit… #quantifiedself #quantifiedskin
L’Oréal uses ultrathin skin devices to measure hydration and thermal transport… #WearableTech #quantifiedskin
Data goes beyond skin-deep, with an app that assesses your health… #mHealth #quantifiedskin
@xtinem very valid question. #Skin is paramount in many aspects of health and #quantifiedself , this is the reason for #quantifiedskin
A wristband that tells you when you’ve had enough sun via @guardian… #quantifiedskin #WearableTech #skincancer
Breast cancer detection: “electronic skin” that “feels” small lumps that fingers can miss #quantifiedskin #ASCO15
Early Breast Cancer Detection Improved by Novel 'Electronic Skin' #Cancer @SU2C #asco @myESMO @EuropeanCancer
— Onco'Zine – Network (@OncoZine) September 14, 2014