Tweet Archive for hashtag “#plasticsurgery” « page 27
Great input Dr @pallabc Indeed we need more #IMCAS2017 coverage @DrMJMurdoch @OlivierBranford @imcascongress #dermatology #plasticsurgery
RT @OlivierBranford: 22,771,950 impressions in last 4 weeks for #imcas2017 @imcascongress hashtag #plasticsurgery #dermatology @ducrest @Dr…
#IMCAS2017 more than 23 million views! This is great. Keep on sharing the news #plasticsurgery #dermatology…
RT @ducrest: #ContentIsKing and as @danielzliu says #CurationIsQueen
@OlivierBranford @imcascongress #plasticsurgery #dermatology #dermato…
RT @danielzliu: Packed session for building your #SoMe reputation beyond competition at #IMCAS2017 #PlasticSurgery #Dermatology https://t.c…
RT @danielzliu: .@OlivierBranford @DrRaviJain chairing session on patient retention at #IMCAS2017 #PlasticSurgery #Dermatology…
#IMCAS2017 session 41 “How physicians need to deal w/disregulated planet” Key takeaway #education (the public) #plasticsurgery #dermatology
#IMCAS2017 crowd ready to participate and engage about #plasticsurgery #dermatology #cosmeceuticals #HUDBeauty…
Faculty at session 41 Q&A “How physicians need to deal w/ the new disregulated planet” #plasticsurgery…