Tweet Archive for hashtag “#paris” « page 3
RT @OlivierBranford: Delighted & honoured to copresent with @NahaiDr & Dr Sattler in #Paris in January @imcascongress…
RT @OlivierBranford: Looking forward to presenting @imcascongress with friend, brilliant surgeon & social media @danielzliu in #Paris htt…
RT @OlivierBranford: See you in #Paris in January! @imcascongress Getting my lectures ready! Not long now! #PlasticSurgery @ducrest https:/…
RT @OlivierBranford: #PRSGlobalOpen collaborating with @imcasacademy #Paris – Bringing global #PlasticSurgery to you! #digital #video https…
RT @OlivierBranford: Our role is to educate #plasticsurgery @DrRodRohrich @prsjournal @imcascongress #IMCAS #Paris editorialboard meeting h…
RT @OlivierBranford: #PRSGlobalOpen shining a light on global #plasticsurgery evidence @imcascongress #Paris https:…
#CharlieHebdo today in Paris it smells the end of the world but tomorrow we will stand up. Peace for all #peace #paris
RT @NeilSadickMD: Speaking soon about the New Trends in Alopecia! @imcascongress #IMCAS #Paris #Hairloss #alopecia