Tweet Archive for hashtag “#hcsm” « page 2
RT @ducrest: For doctors worry abt impact #ai #machinelearning #digitalhealth #hcsm we are #MoreThanData let’s invent the futur https://t.c…
RT @hvto: The latest The Hospice Volunteer Daily!… Thanks to @drjoesDIYhealth @judithperes @ducrest #blockchain #hcsm
RT @ducrest: This is the future of #healthcare #sociamedia #hcsm! Unique #SoME traction w/ @hudabeauty & Great medical credibility w/ @DrDo…
This is the future of #healthcare #sociamedia #hcsm! Unique #SoME traction w/ @hudabeauty & Great medical credibili…
RT @ducrest: How #wearabletech #IoT #quantifiedself can be useful for healthcare? #machinelearning #bigdata #hcsm #quantifiedskin #dermatol…