Tweet Archive for hashtag “#FF”
RT @focusonmelanoma: A #FF THANK YOU to some great supporters of #howmuchisenough @AltruistSun & @focusonmelanoma awareness campaign https…
RT @Vilavaite: Ditto!
#FF @ducrest ! Great posts!
Thank you very much
What an honor
Very informative timeline from @Vilavaite about "Scanning #Medicine and life with a radiologist gaze #Health #Radiology potpourri mostly RTs". Great posts.
— Dominique du Crest (@ducrest) February 23, 2018
RT @DrGorczyca: #FF Looking forward joining @ducrest @OlivierBranford for the webinar next week. Amazing power of social media. Keep up t…
RT @OlivierBranford: #FF @drkarenhorton @DrRodRohrich @Florez_vanessa @imcascongress @ducrest @prsjournal @ASPS_News @drchrysopoulo @daniel…
RT @MrUrsoBaiarda: RT @BotSpringerLink
#ff some of our top tweeters this week @DrKristinaDare @cpelletiere @ducrest @sunrisemedtrans @PanG…
RT @BotSpringerLink: #ff some of our top tweeters this week @DrKristinaDare @cpelletiere @ducrest @sunrisemedtrans @PanGMuN @RutNp @MrUrsoB…
RT @CherylTBarton: #FF fabulous tweeting from @RoyLilley @Drgregwilliams @DrAnjaliMahto @DrDanDhunna @safetyinbeauty @pdsurgery @ducrest @m…
RT @danielzliu: #Science is about the evolution of #knowledge and the slow march of accumulating #evidence. #FF
RT @aesthetika: #FF #BlueMoon @goodsurgeon @ducrest @DrDanDhunna @DrAnjaliMahto @FaceEquality @OlivierBranford @SkinSpecialist @whiphaven @…
RT @aesthetika: Last May #FF to some wonderful tweeters @goodsurgeon @HealioAesthetic @OlivierBranford @prsjournal @ducrest @DrAnjaliMahto …