Tweet Archive for hashtag “#dermtwitter” « page 18
Senescent fibroblasts in melasma pathophysiology… #dermatology #dermatologia #dermtwitter
5 Minute Pathology Pearls: Melanocytes vs Keratinocytes Made Easy. #dermtwitter #dermpath #dermatology #dermatologia
Happy Saturday! If your weekend needs some #dermpath education, check out my #5MinPathologyPearls video to learn easy way to tell vacuolated melanocytes from keratinocytes. #Pathology #dermatology
— Jerad Gardner, MD (@JMGardnerMD) October 27, 2018
Daylight PDT as a treatment option for AKs. #dermatology #dermtwitter #dermatologia #skincancer
Saw a patient today who was unable to tolerate PDT – a good reminder to consider daylight PDT, especially when AKs are thin and diffuse. #dermtwitter #dermatology #medtwitter #meded
Our approach is similar to that described here:— Dr. Carolyn Lee, MD/PhD (@CarolynLeeMDPhD) September 11, 2018
RT @MishaRosenbach: #Medtwitter #dermtwitter #aadmember @AADskin should ask what we are doing and what lessons we can learn from these type…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Hey #dermtwitter, #medtwitter, we just had an amazing @StanfordMed #dermatology faculty member join Twitter! Please w…
RT @MishaRosenbach: If you have patients with #sarcoidosis (#dermatology #dermtwitter #medtwitter remember sarcoid affects skin in 30% of p…
RT @DermatologyJC: #DermJc Ground Rules! #dermtwitter #dermatology #MedEd #medtwitter #FOAMED
Watch this is space @DermatologyJC it is going to be terrific #dermtwitter #dermatology #dermatologia #skinhealth