Tweet Archive for hashtag “#dermtwitter” « page 17
Probiotics – at best they do nothing.
FYI #dermtwitter #dermatology #dermatologia communities
Probiotics. Mostly, they do nothing. Sometimes, they do harm. Occasionally, in very specific circumstances, in some people, they can be useful. Per @JAMA_current
— Tamar Haspel (@TamarHaspel) February 1, 2019
RT @ducrest: @carlo24 Thank you for supporting my view of what #dermatology #dermtwitter social media could be. Very much appreciated
@carlo24 Thank you for supporting my view of what #dermatology #dermtwitter social media could be. Very much appreciated
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Hey #dermtwitter! Before all of your busy schedules fill up, shall we set up an informal tweetup at AAD? (A tweetup is…
We Need to Ensure AI Doesn’t Just Benefit the Rich? #ai #dl #ml #digitalhealth #medtwitter #dermtwitter…
RT @DermatologyJC: TONIGHT! December 19th #Dermjc at 9 PM EST on SJS/TEN from @JIDJournal Great paper by some of our #dermtwitter med derm…
#VitiligoAwareness #vitiligo. #dermatology #dermtwitter
Got to love those resident memory T cells. Targeting them is the key to the next generation of #biologics.@HarrisVitiligo doing superhero things for our #vitiligo patients! Can’t wait to see you in DC John! #dermatology
— Michelle Rodrigues (@MRodriguesMD) December 15, 2018
RT @ducrest: @char_durand To #dermtwitter please have a look at this and kindly help. #dermatology #dermatologia
@char_durand To #dermtwitter please have a look at this and kindly help. #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @ZZNYiu: One word answer for effective public engagement from @kesleeman – “Twitter!” @acmedsci @AMS_Careers #CATAC2018 #dermtwitter