Tweet Archive for hashtag “#dermtwitter” « page 11
RT @DrStevenTChen: Hey #dermtwitter/#medtwitter, the @AADskin has launched a registry of #COVID19 patients! We’re looking for:
1: Existing…
The hashtag #dermtwitter had 10M impressions in March 2020 (#medtwitter had 557M – potential is ahead of us).
The “…
RT @DermatologyJC: Hello #dermatology #dermtwitter! We want to help disseminate any #COVID19 and derm related content. New guidelines, re…
And the hashtag #dermtwitter with 17M impressions in February 2020 – thanks to the top 10 influential…
Here are February 2020 influencers for #dermatology #dermatologia #skincancer and #dermtwitter conversations. Pleas…
RT @DermatologyJC: Next #dermjc is Feb 19 at 9 PM EST/6 PM Pacific. #dermtwitter #dermatology We are going to discuss management of uremic…
RT @DermatologyJC: We interrupt our usual academic only tweeting to bring you the most amazing cookies we have ever seen. #dermtwitter #der…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Would you come to a #dermtwitter happy hour near the conference center on Friday of AAD (March 20) at 6 PM, would you…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Poll for ALL clinicians, though focused mostly on #dermatologists #dermtwitter. 20 min talk (so not a lot of time). D…
And the hashtag #dermtwitter with 4M impressions in January 2020 – thanks to @threadreaderapp @silviafbarrio…