Tweet Archive for hashtag “#dermjc”
RT @DermatologyJC: We have a very special #DermJC this weekend in collaboration with @BrJDermatol! #DermTwitter
RT @DermatologyJC: UPDATED TIME: Wed Feb 3 at 8 PM ET #DermJC with @AdeAdamson and @BenMazer. #DermTwitter #Dermpath…
RT @DermatologyJC: UPDATED TIME: Wed Feb 3 at 8 PM ET #DermJC with @AdeAdamson and @BenMazer. #DermTwitter #Dermpath…
RT @DermatologyJC: UPDATED TIME: Wed Feb 3 at 8 PM ET #DermJC with @AdeAdamson and @BenMazer. #DermTwitter #Dermpath…
RT @DermatologyJC: Our next #dermjc journal club is Wednesday Sept 16 at 9 PM EST and will be featuring @DrJohnBarbieri! We will be discuss…
RT @DermatologyJC: #DermJC tonight 9 PM EST on skin manifestations of #COVID19. An opportunity for discussion of recent papers and the @Me…
RT @ducrest: @DermatologyJC @RheumJC #covid19 and biologics for psoriaisis – tbc but this is what @DermatologyJC #dermjc shld be discussin…
@DermatologyJC @RheumJC #covid19 and biologics for psoriaisis – tbc but this is what @DermatologyJC #dermjc shld b…
RT @DrJohnBarbieri: Also shoutout to @RoxanaDaneshjou and @AdeAdamson’s article in @JAMADerm on Twitter journal clubs #dermjc…
RT @ducrest: @DermatologyJC @DermatologyJC @DrJohnBarbieri For March #dermjc this is the article that I’m proposing to your community