Tweet Archive for hashtag “#dermatology” « page 18
RT @ducrest: @DrJohnBarbieri Poor access to #dermatology care ( only +/- 30% of skin suffers have access to a HCPs and care) is one of the…
@DrJohnBarbieri Poor access to #dermatology care ( only +/- 30% of skin suffers have access to a HCPs and care) is…
RT @MishaRosenbach: #dermtwitter: #derm / #climatechange announcements-
Next climate / #dermatology webinar 2/18 830p EST! (Thank you @Pro…
442 million – this is the number of views for #dermatology on TikTok on February 5th, 2021.
Good or bad this pheno…
#Telemedicine #teledermatology
Majority of #dermatology patients surveyed find #telehealth appointments to be a sui…
HIV medicine for dermatologists and venereologists… also open access article
#hiv #dermatology #dermatologia
Dermatological signs in liver transplant recipients… #dermatology #dermatologia
Is your skin thirsty? Optoacoustic sensor measures water content in living tissue… #dermatology #skincare
Molecular research builds new understanding of skin regeneration… #skinscience #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @JonnyGucks: Are you a #medstudent or #trainee? Do you want to be involved with a world-leading #dermatology journal? @BrJDermatol are r…