Tweet Archive for hashtag “#COVID19” « page 9
iPledge now allows for home pregnancy tests!
iPledge now allows for home pregnancy tests! See aad for great updates during #COVID19 @AADmember @DermatologyJC
— Olga Afanasiev, MD/PhD (@olgafan) March 25, 2020
from @olgafan
#acne #dermatology #dermatologia #covid19
RT @DermatologyJC: Hello #dermatology #dermtwitter! We want to help disseminate any #COVID19 and derm related content. New guidelines, re…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: UPDATE on NCCN guidelines for managing melanoma during the #COVID19 pandemic. Please note, these are just guidelines f…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: This @JAMADerm Viewpoint was written long before #COVID19. The points that @AdeAdamson and I make are only enhanced i…
RT @DrStevenTChen: Learning about hcq retinal toxicity was not something I was expecting with the #covid19 #pandemic. & from @DGlaucomfleck…
RT @dermualberta: #COVID19 #FAQ #dermatology Should I stop my #biologic treatment? – No! If you feel well, continue! Protect yourself again…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Guidelines for managing melanoma in the age of #COVID19, recently put out by the NCCN. Useful for #dermatology #dermt…
RT @MishaRosenbach: Please read #derm #dermatology #Dermatología re #COVID19 emergency @ducrest @RoxanaDaneshjou @AdeAdamson