Tweet Archive for hashtag “#COVID19” « page 2
RT @PsoProtect: What have we learned so far about the impact of #COVID19
in people with #psoriasis?
Our first published analysis includes…
The online anti-vaccine movement in the age of #COVID19…
Food for thought
1/ Doctors long ba…
5.69% = the estimated prevalence of cutaneous manifestations in #COVID19 patients (meta‐analysis and systematic rev…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Wow, many @StanfordMed faculty took a stand for science and truth in the battle against #COVID19 misinformation being…
RT @DrEstherFreeman: Our @JAADjournals article on the full spectrum of cutaneous manifestations of #COVID19 is now available in its finaliz…
Chronic inflammatory skin diseases and biologics: what to expect after #COVID19 pandemic?……
RT @PsoProtect: Healthcare professionals around the world have so far reported 450 cases of #COVID19 in #psoriasis
Summary data from the f…
RT @PsoProtect: Do #treatments we use for #psoriasis increase or decrease the risk of severe #COVID19 infection?
Help us understand how th…
RT @DrEstherFreeman: Our new paper on #dermatologic manifestations of #COVID19 is available @JAADjournals: 716 cases from 31 countries, 171…