Tweet Archive for hashtag “#acne” « page 2
Psychological stress is an important issue of four inflammatory skin diseases #acne #atopicdermatitis #psoriasis an…
RT @DrJohnBarbieri: Patients often ask about the potential role of #diet in #acne. Can changing what you eat reduce breakouts? In this Twee…
#AcneAwareness Systematic review of topical preparations for mild2moderate #acne
Adapalene + BPO may be the most e…
@DrJohnBarbieri This an awesome #acne Tweetorial combining evidence & narratives. All lay press journalists should…
RT @DrJohnBarbieri: Isotretinoin can be a highly effective treatment for #acne and is the only acne treatment that can provide a lasting re…
RT @ducrest: @AymanGradaMD @practiceupdate @DrJohnBarbieri Thanks. It will be interested to have data about #acne severity & “information s…
@AymanGradaMD @practiceupdate @DrJohnBarbieri Thanks. It will be interested to have data about #acne severity & “in…
@DanielWhitby @intjderm endless #acne #dermatology debate
The 9 top health and medicine breakthroughs of 2020. Among others an #acne product… #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @DrJohnBarbieri: Looking forward to discussing updates to topical and system #acne treatments at this session! #dermatology #dermtwitter…