Tweet Archive for hashtag “#aadmember”
RT @SuzanneOlbricht: And my own article. Cutis 8/2016. Mindfulness: Is it relevant to my work life? #dermatology. #aadmember https://t.c…
RT @MishaRosenbach: #Medtwitter #dermtwitter #aadmember @AADskin should ask what we are doing and what lessons we can learn from these type…
#dermsaveslives #skinserious #dermatology #dermatologia #aadmember
A 10-point plan to demonstrate the value of #dermatology in the health care system
— JAAD Journals (@JAADjournals) August 29, 2018
RT @SuzanneOlbricht: Derms take care of serious disease. #skinserious. #aadmember #dermatology
Another entity w systemic implications that dermatologists can diagnose (and often are called to confirm if Dx is suspected, via fat pad bx) #dermsaveslives
— Dr. M Rosenbach (@MishaRosenbach) August 24, 2018
RT @SuzanneOlbricht: I agree! I always like to have new and varied tools to help my patients. #aadmember
As often said here, it’s should not be “man against machine” but “man with machine”. #AI won’t replace DRs any time soon! The questions should be: what is algorithm doing better than a #dermatologist? & let it go. What dermatologistS will do better than the machine? & own it!
— Dominique du Crest (@ducrest) May 31, 2018