Tweet Archive for hashtag “#AAD”
RT @SuzanneOlbricht: This is a fundamental change in the practice of dermatology/medicine. Not good but not bad, just different. #AAD is…
RT @SuzanneOlbricht: #AAD has convened Industry Summit to discuss what our patients need for us to do to ensure excellent #dermatology care…
RT @SuzanneOlbricht: My favorite is at the #NationalZoo in DC. The #AAD put up the shade structure over the seating at the sea lion exhibi…
RT @DrDorisDay: A dermatologist-approved selfie!Thank you @AADskin for this outstanding video
#dermatology #skincancerscreening #aad
@DrAnjaliMahto @CebdNottm FYI #AAD Guidelines for acne management… interesting #evidence sorting system #dermatology
3 Reasons You Do Not Want to Miss AAD’s (American Academy of #Dermatology) 2015 @AADMtgs @AADskin #AAD #AAD2015
RT @beapen: The #AAD releases – Choosing Wisely’ list… #DsB #SkinDeep @ducrest @MadhuriAgarwal @advskinwisdom
RT“@Dermatology_OW: #AAD Issues #Melanoma Guidelines: Based on an extensive review of scientific literatu…”