Skin cancer
According to the World Health Organisation both non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers have been increasing over the past decades; we are now facing an epidemic of these conditions. How did we get to this stage? Various initiatives including the ABCDE of melanoma have been developed by prestigious institutions to improve awareness and diagnosis but there is still no improvement in the prevalence of melanoma. Why is prevention apparently not effective and how hopeful does the future look? In this section we are aiming to provide a skin cancer focus in our daily bibliography coverage.
Simple test can diagnose two cancer types… #melanoma #skincancer #cancerawareness
#skincancer #cancerawareness Interest in tanning beds and sunscreen in German-speaking countries…
RT @ducrest: #Melanoma Mgmt & #skincancer screening – Conflicting Debate!… &… #dermatology se…
The association of indoor tanning and melanoma in adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis. #skincancer…
Blood test could help predict #skin cancer’s return… #skincancer #cancerawareness #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @MelanomaReAlli: Clinical trials drive our understanding of #melanoma forward, improving future treatment options for all patients. 80,0…
Hashtag #skincancer has reached over 15 million impressions in November 2017 and here are the influencers
Caught in the act: Papillomaviruses promote non-melanoma skin cancer… #skincancer #dermatology #dermatologia
Nicotinamide and #skin cancer chemoprevention: The jury is still out… #skincancer…
RT @MelanomaReAlli: .@MelanomaReAlli is the largest non-profit funder of #melanoma research. We know that advancing science is our best bet…