Skin cancer

According to the World Health Organisation both non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers have been increasing over the past decades; we are now facing an epidemic of these conditions. How did we get to this stage? Various initiatives including the ABCDE of melanoma have been developed by prestigious institutions to improve awareness and diagnosis but there is still no improvement in the prevalence of melanoma. Why is prevention apparently not effective and how hopeful does the future look? In this section we are aiming to provide a skin cancer focus in our daily bibliography coverage.

Different outdoor professions have different risks of non‐melanoma #skincancer – study in farmers (27%), gardeners…

2:37pm Jun 7 2018 —

RT @JAMA_current: In this diagnostic study, #melanoma staging in the @AJCCancer #Cancer Staging Manual, 8th ed, showed greater reproducibil…

5:17am Jun 7 2018 —

Knowledge of #melanoma and non-melanoma #skincancer among general dermatology patients – overall knowledge is poor…

2:19am Jun 7 2018 —

Hashtag #skincancer with 81M impressions in May and here are the influencers. Let’s keep on sharing #skincancer

3:11am Jun 1 2018 —

RT @PeerView: Register now for the #PeerView Symposium on Sunday, June 3rd: Tracing the Arc of Immunotherapy in #Melanoma…

2:46pm May 30 2018 —

RT @PeerView: Interested in the latest data on #Melanoma management? Hear the latest on the role of immunotherapy in treating pts w/ advanc…

2:46pm May 30 2018 —

#dl convolutional neural network for dermoscopic #melanoma recognition vs to 58 #dermatologists Thanks @EricTopol f…

10:41am May 29 2018 —

RT @marta_urech: Ojo: NO hay suplementos orales que sustituyan al #fotoprotector tópico, no te dejes engañar! #dermatologia #melanoma #Skin…

7:09am May 24 2018 —

RT @MelanomaReAlli: Truth: #Melanoma can happen anywhere, including the skin, eyes, or mouth: #MelanomaAwarenessMon…

9:45am May 17 2018 —

RT @SergioVanoG: Empezamos la campaña 2018 para luchar contra la forma más agresiva de cáncer de piel, el #melanoma. ⛔️
Lo más importante:…

11:35am May 14 2018 —