Skin cancer
According to the World Health Organisation both non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers have been increasing over the past decades; we are now facing an epidemic of these conditions. How did we get to this stage? Various initiatives including the ABCDE of melanoma have been developed by prestigious institutions to improve awareness and diagnosis but there is still no improvement in the prevalence of melanoma. Why is prevention apparently not effective and how hopeful does the future look? In this section we are aiming to provide a skin cancer focus in our daily bibliography coverage.
Rutgers scientist creates ‘virtual biopsy’ device to detect skin tumors. #dermatology #skincancer #dermatologia…
Future Directions in #Melanoma… via @practiceupdate
#dermatology #skincancer #dermatologia #cancerdepiel
What if you could spot #skin cancer before it got too serious?… #dermatology #skincancer #dermatologia #cancerdepiel
RT @MelanomaNetwork: Some great studies coming from #ASCO on promising new immunotherapy treatments. #melanoma #skincare…
#Melanoma track at #ASCO2019. #Melsm #dermatology #skincancer #dermatologia #cancerdepiel
RT @AADmember: Sunscreen continues to be a vital tool in the fight against #skincancer. Share this video featuring tips on how to avoid com…
Dermatologic Surgery June 2019 – Volume 45 – Issue 6…
#dermatology #dermatologia #skincancer…
RT @JAADjournals: Sun protection behavior after diagnosis of high-risk primary #melanoma and risk of a subsequent primary…
RT @JAADjournals: Guidelines of care for the management of primary cutaneous #melanoma
RT @DrStevenTChen: In honor of #skin #cancer awareness month, here’s a #tweetorial on #SKINCANCER!
There is SO much we could talk about,…