Daily news
Using evidence as the guiding star, the @ducrest Twitter timeline consists of the latest scientific publications in dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, cosmetics and Home-Use devices. Here you will find interesting information gleaned from science and technology sources as well as the lay press.
Menopause, skin & common dermatoses – open access
Part1 hair disorders onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…
Part2 skin disorders…
@BGalloMarin I really like your statement « improve dermatologic care for people of Latin American heritage ». I’m…
RT @ducrest: Skin & Digital Summit – 10 December 2022 linkedin.com/pulse/skin-dig…
V. Grateful to @miriazolam @JohnZibert @HaraldKittler @jk_a…
#digitaldivide and #misinformation in dermatology #aesthetics #skincare. Live now
Are new treatments for cutaneous melanoma associated w/ changes in melanoma mortality rate trends among US adults?…
RT @ducrest: @NBCNewsPR @people @NBCNews Influencers create ‘cycle of ignorance & misinformation’ abt #PlasticSurgery. FYI @DrRodRohrich @d…
@NBCNewsPR @people @NBCNews Influencers create ‘cycle of ignorance & misinformation’ abt #PlasticSurgery. FYI…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Gearing up for AI+Health at Stanford @StanfordHAI @StanfordAIMI. We’re running a session on Dermatology + AI with @Rob…
RT @ducrest: @bernd_020 @BrJDermatol Plain Language Summaries – great @BrJDermatol objective = to ensure that what BJD publish has a real-w…
@bernd_020 @BrJDermatol Plain Language Summaries – great @BrJDermatol objective = to ensure that what BJD publish h…