Tweet Archive for July 2022 « page 2
RT @AdvancingDerm: What dermatology topics do you find most interesting?
1/ Psoriasis affects >125 million people worldwide
2/ Biologics are efficacious in moderate to…
RT @wcd2023sg: Looking to share your ideas and be an active member of the WCD community? Download our frames with the link in our bio to cu…
RT @NdiAmaka1: Tune in on Monday, July 25th at 12pm EST as @DonGlassII discusses #keloid formation pathways on another session of @DermTalk…
Single-Shot PASI system – #AI for the automated single-shoot assessment of psoriasis…
@SergioVanoG @elespanol_es @grupopedrojaen @ClinicaCDI @Clinica_Imema @criseguren @aedv_es @IdiazAyuso…
Blog de Dermatología Cotidiana – lo mejor de lo mejor. Blog of daily dermatology – the best of the best by…
@jidinnovations Open Access is great. Success
RT @AdeAdamson: Sunscreen is USELESS in melanoma prevention in dark skinned (e.g. black) people. Let me explain why in this #tweetorial …
RT @AdeAdamson: A lot of misinformation in this article. Sunscreen has never been shown to reduce skin cancer risk in Black people. PERIOD!…