Tweet Archive for April 2022 « page 4
RT @ducrest: @alvie_barr @StanfordAIMI @DHPSP @AmineKorchiMD @DrBonillaOnc @TanDuarte @michaelbassGI @AnitaHoEthics @BryanPriegoP @thartman…
@alvie_barr @StanfordAIMI @DHPSP @AmineKorchiMD @DrBonillaOnc @TanDuarte @michaelbassGI @AnitaHoEthics…
RT @alvie_barr: Exciting! The Diverse Dermatology Images (DDI) dataset is now publicly available – pathologically confirmed, featuring imag…
RT @ducrest: @Yale_Liu73 @UCSF @UCBerkeley @NUFeinbergMed Cutting-edge, personalized medicine tools now used to treat cancer to the problem…
@Yale_Liu73 @UCSF @UCBerkeley @NUFeinbergMed Cutting-edge, personalized medicine tools now used to treat cancer to…
New & emerging allergens including fragrance allergies
and allergen of the year – discussed during last #AAD2022 by…
Finally!!! – so thanks @Twitter. Twitter’s in-development Edit button offers hints as to how the feature could wo…
In a pandemic of medical misinformation, how do you deal with conspiracy believers?…
@alvie_barr @FinhavenHQ thanks Alvin
RT @ducrest: @kkostick @TiMinCeBIL @mcguireamy @mandl @CohenProf @zakkohane @ugasser statement – #NFT #NFTs hold immense potential to res…