Tweet Archive for February 2022 « page 3
RT @StandingVoice: Every person w albinism deserves access to healthcare. This year we’re expanding to new regions of Tanzania & Malawi to…
RT @silviafbarrio: Yes… they are different in the way they show, but I believe, its consequences, its impact, in the life of people, no ma…
This Personalised Acne Care Pathway provides practical recommendations to facilitate the longitudinal management of…
@DrEstherFreeman @BrJDermatol @silviafbarrio @glodermalliance Unfortunately not although @glodermalliance annual me…
RT @ducrest: @DrEstherFreeman @BrJDermatol @DrEstherFreeman thanks for your leadership. At your disposal to bring my (not academic) contrib…
@DrEstherFreeman @BrJDermatol @DrEstherFreeman thanks for your leadership. At your disposal to bring my (not academ…
@BoF Beauty industry resembles Silicon Valley – Future is abt services, tools to daily engage w/ consumers Unique b…
Interesting benchmark for #JAK in dermatology. Real-world analyses of Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKi) in patients w…
RT @DrEstherFreeman: Thanks for raising awareness on this new @BrJDermatol section, @ducrest. We are honored to give space to important #eq…