Tweet Archive for January 2022 « page 4
@DannyJohnston2 Thanks for yr comment & agree that there are lots of thoughts behind!! Future will tell.…
RT @glodermalliance: Last chance to register for the upcoming @glodermalliance Trainee #webinar on #Leprosy from our speakers in Nigeria! S…
FYI #PsoriasisAwareness #psoriaticdisease #dermtwitter
Hypothesis – targeting of CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cell…
RT @DrJoelGelfand: Hey @AADmember ever wonder why #menthol results in a cooling skin sensation while #capsaicin causes burning? There’s a r…
RT @JIDJournals: A New Era with the Development of Cytokine-Based Therapy for Pruritus #JIDJournal #dermscience #it…
RT @ChristineJKoMD: Hyperpigmentation in Vitamin B12 Deficiency | NEJM… #medtwitter #dermatology #dermtwitter
The days of “mom-and-pop” #dermatology are gone! Interesting @JAADjournals article & @practiceupdate analysis…
RT @ducrest: @PsoriasisIFPA FYI #PsoriasisAwareness #psoriaticdisease #telepso #psoriasis
A new virtually connected and collaborative healt…