Tweet Archive for August 2021 « page 4
Clearance rates in actinic keratosis with at least 12 months of treatment as a proxy for long-term efficacy.…
RT @JAADjournals: Comparative safety of systemic immunomodulatory medications in adults with atopic dermatitis http…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: We will be hosting an AI + Dermatology session as part of this conference!
RT @ducrest: @dtfeinberg @KBDeSalvo @JAMA_current @JAMANetwork @mdhowellmd FYI #dermtwitter #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @MelanomaReAlli: Congrats to Mariela Mitre MD, PhD from @WeillCornell on receiving the MRA Dermatology Fellows Award on Skin of Color fo…
@MelanomaReAlli @WeillCornell FYI @AdeAdamson
RT @itchdoctor: It is amazing to see how many companies are now developing targeted therapeutics for prurigo nodularis (PN). This field is…
RT @EricTopol: The potential for use of #AI in dermatology has had considerable interest. But this new @NatureMedicine study takes the fiel…
RT @cb_beautynews: . @LOrealGroupe aligns with menstrual tracking app to improve skin care knowledge, period