Tweet Archive for May 2021 « page 5
A must read about #ai applied to #dermatology #dermatologia – interesting @GoogleAI endeavour, but
1/ the concerns…
RT @julianconejomir: Prepararos dermatólogos: la avalancha de pacientes alarmados por los diagnósticos inmediatos de su móvil va a llegar e…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: What does it mean to launch a tool “meant to help patients” but shouldn’t be used as a diagnostic? Google is launching…
RT @AdeAdamson: This article is a mix of truth and misinformation about melanoma, UV protection, and screening for skin cancer in Black peo…
RT @ducrest: Skin Imaging – the third eye!… via @LinkedIn
Sources: @YouTube @AmerChemSociety @MDedgeDerm @TheLance…
@DrEstherFreeman @MishaRosenbach @devonemcmahon @juleslipoff @AADskin @ILDSDerm Thank you 🙏 all
RT @DrEstherFreeman: Team effort! #dermatologists have a lot to add to the understanding of #vaccine reactions @MishaRosenbach @devonemcmah…
@TeawithMD thanks for your great #dermatology conversation on TikTok
Reports Further Characterize COVID Vaccine Skin Reactions. Thanks @DrEstherFreeman for the awesome work you are d…
Is This the Most TikTok’d COVID Vaccine Side Effect? | MedPage Today. A straight to the point article.…