Tweet Archive for November 2020 « page 10
RT @DanielButlerMD: Announcing:
The Geriatric Dermatology Society
Thanks to leadership from medical student lead…
RT @wheezemd: Association Between Atopic Eczema and Cancer in England and Denmark-No support between atopic eczema and most cancers. Howeve…
RT @DrMAUrsani: Melanoma Risk in Patients Treated With Biologic therapy in @JAMA_current systematic review shows no significant risk with…
Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors and Skin Cancer—Another Piece of the Puzzle. #dermatology #skincancer #dermatologia…
New artificial skin functions like natural skin. #dermatology #skinscience…
Age is a primary determinant of melanoma treatment resistance, two studies find……
RT @AdeAdamson: Does every melanoma in situ progresses to invasive melanoma?
RT @silviafbarrio: Volver a la consulta medica ! ESENCIAL para estar mejor defendido en tie pos de pandemia y siempre!!! @AEPSOarg @latinap…
@DrRamonGrimalt @vidal_enric @OriolVidalBarba Me gusta mucho los panellets
Time Well Spent: Taking Back Our Lives & Attention | How to reverse ‘human downgrading’ and re-align technology wit…