Tweet Archive for September 2020 « page 4
RT @DrEstherFreeman: @ducrest @intjderm @MishaRosenbach @DrStevenTChen I will also add that I think we need much larger cohort studies to p…
RT @MishaRosenbach: @ducrest @intjderm @DrStevenTChen @DrEstherFreeman Not sure @AADskin registry could answer this q as based on submissio…
RT @julianconejomir: Especial deportistas: Ejercicio y ritmos circadianos. Para adecuar el cortisol, la testosterona y las mitocondrias en…
5.69% = the estimated prevalence of cutaneous manifestations in #COVID19 patients (meta‐analysis and systematic rev…
Cigarette and skin – foes!
Just in case more demonstration is needed!… via @ExpDermatol
#dermatology #dermatologia
Hi! Paris Research Center
First interdisciplinary and cross-institutional center in Europe focused on artificial in…
Major dermatology organizations are doing a great job, but there social media footprint & reach is not strong enoug…
@rosataberner Me recuerda nuestro primer encuentro en #Mallorca
RT @ducrest: @DrAveryLaChance @rashighi @DanielMOConnor @AADmember You are most wellcome. Your work is paramount. It will be long to explai…