Tweet Archive for June 2020 « page 8
RT @ducrest: @Wiley_Health @intjderm @SincerelyCass11 Acne, the new trend? A discussion of the emerging social
movement to embrace acne vul…
@Wiley_Health @intjderm @SincerelyCass11 Acne, the new trend? A discussion of the emerging social
movement to embra…
RT @ducrest: Fake news detector algorithm works better than a human…
My ultimate dream: #algorithms + human context…
RT @TheJEADV: #Phototherapy is an important option for #psoriasis patients with countraindications for systemic therapies. Our latest #Posi…
What is User experience #UX?…
User experience in Pub Med – 72 results…
Psychodermatology in clinical practice: An examination of physician attitudes, beliefs, and interventions toward ps…
Acne, the new trend? Discussion of the emerging social movement to embrace #acne vulgaris……
RT @DrEstherFreeman: Continue to submit your #dermatology cases in #COVID19 to the @AADskin @ILDSDerm #registry! You need to be a healthcar…
RT @MishaRosenbach: @EricTopol @JAMA_current @KidsAtColumbia #dermatology #derm #dermatologìa note the skin issues in multi-system inflamma…
RT @ducrest: @JAADjournals @DanielButlerMD I’m not a MD, this being said here my p.o.v. 1/ a single article is not « interesting ». 2/ what…