Tweet Archive for March 2020 « page 5
RT @ducrest: Treating Basal Cell Carcinoma – much choice, much confusion. Great @AnnalsofIM editorial…
Key messages:…
RT @ducrest: Actinic keratosis core outcomes: from 137 to 6 outcomes – consensus including physician and patient stakeholders. Treatment co…
@HealthySkin4All Thank you and very valuable. #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @HealthySkin4All: We have updated our Covid-19 (Coronavirus) advice for those taking medicines that affect the immune system such as bio…
Here is the Primary Care Dermatology Society (PCDS) website. Facing the overall small access of patient to…
RT @lassehmadsen: One of the best epidemic visualization so far.
RT @pierrevabres: Le vocabulaire médical a trop d’abréviations et on oublie les étymologies latines des maladies.
En hommage à Uderzo cett…
RT @DrStevenTChen: Learning about hcq retinal toxicity was not something I was expecting with the #covid19 #pandemic. & from @DGlaucomfleck…
RT @globaldermie: Our JAAD article “Instagram for dermatology education” is online! @JMGardnerMD is co-author. Survey study on globaldermie…