Tweet Archive for February 2020 « page 3
RT @SkinBradfordUni: We’re recruiting volunteers – female 18-35 of all ethnicities into a study to test a new online skin diagnostic app @U…
RT @SkinBradfordUni: .@SkinBradfordUni seeking female volunteers 18 to 35y for a study @UniofBradford to test an exciting new online digita…
RT @olgafan: #DIF2020 what a great way to start #AAD2020. See you there!
RT @AADmember: Looking to review the latest scientific discoveries within lupus, dermatomyositis, neutrophilic dermatoses, melanoma, the mi…
Association of Indoor Tanning Regulations With Health and Economic Outcomes in North America and Europe…
RT @Ezzoef: Interventions for rosacea based on the phenotype approach: an updated systematic review including GRADE assessments https://t.c…
RT @CyrilPedia: This is great, but it is important to keep in mind that only 1 out of 4 patients with advanced melanoma met this complete r…
And the article form the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Long-Term Outcomes and Responses to Retreatment in Patients W…
Approximately 4 out of five patients w/ advanced #melanoma who discontinued treatment after achieving complete resp…
RT @ducrest: @KopeckiZlatko @_AWTRS “We’ve got science under your #skin” very cool headline 👍. From the Japanese Society for Investigative…