Tweet Archive for January 2020 « page 8
Maternal depression and atopic dermatitis in children linked… #EczemaAwareness #dermatology #dermatologia
Topical niacinamide does not stimulate hair growth based on the existing body of evidence… b…
RT @JAADjournals: We’re proud to introduce JAAD International! The newest edition to the JAAD family is an open access journal focusing on…
RT @chrishendel: 👀
This RCT by researchers @US_FDA just published in @JAMA_current involved 48 healthy volunteers assessed the absorption o…
Scientists study zebrafish in search of melanoma-fighting drugs… #dermatology #skincancer #dermatologia #cancerdepiel
New technique predicts which #melanoma patients are at risk for cancer recurrence, spread. #dermatology #skincancer…
Fat cells can sense sunlight — not getting enough increases metabolic syndrome risk.… Some…
RT @AdeAdamson: Effect of Sunscreen Application on Plasma Concentration of Sunscreen Active Ingredients:… PART-2 of…
RT @AdeAdamson: This tweet makes it seem like sunscreen is unsafe. The “safety threshold” isn’t about safety per se. Its a threshold for th…
RT @AdeAdamson: Based on this study will you change what type of sunscreen you use (mineral/physical vs chemical)?