Tweet Archive for September 2019 « page 10
What are new treatment concepts in systemic itch?… #dermatology #dermatologia
Development and accuracy of an artificial intelligence algorithm for acne grading from smartphone photographs…
The new growth in hair loss research – scientists are pushing forward with breakthroughs on balding
via @guardian…
RT @ducrest: Critical for #dermatology as a specilaty and for #dermatologists Who will treat inflammatory skin diseases in the year 2020?ht…
RT @ducrest: Who will treat inflammatory skin diseases in the year 2020? An interesting perspective about the future of #dermatology – Lett…
RT @DrAnjaliMahto: This is disgraceful @instagram – it’s no wonder people with visible skin conditions continue to face stigma in 2019. Do…
And now from Bench to Bedside for this automatic procedure that grades some facial skin structural aging signs…
Clinical Applications of Hyaluronidase.
#dermatology #dermatologia #Hyaluronidase
RT @ducrest: The Cost of an Itch = over $90 billion per year in population-level expenditures in the United States……