Tweet Archive for July 2019 « page 5
RT @DermatologyJC: We have a paper for the July 17 9 PM EST journal club! A really exciting and hot topic: managing the immune-related cut…
RT @farmdaughterusa: Organic doesn’t mean healthy.
Organic doesn’t mean pesticide-free.
Organic doesn’t mean family farm.
Organic doesn’t m…
RT @ducrest: @Wiley_Health @intjderm Paradoxical hidradenitis suppurativa to biologic agents: a case series and literature review – thank y…
@Wiley_Health @intjderm Paradoxical hidradenitis suppurativa to biologic agents: a case series and literature revie…
Understanding how the mTOR complex comes together… #rapamycin
RT @ducrest: @chemistscorner Likewise. @voxdotcom and journalists such as @juliaoftoronto (here) or @lemonsand are always sharp, very well…
@chemistscorner Likewise. @voxdotcom and journalists such as @juliaoftoronto (here) or @lemonsand are always sharp,…
MicroRNA-31 / miR‐31 and psoriasis – These findings confirm the important role of miR‐31 in #psoriasis onset and pr…
Composition of human skin microbiome can be modulated… #skinmicrobiome #dermatology #dermatologia