Tweet Archive for July 2019 « page 3
RT @lemonsand: People were selling fake supplements on amazon. Also can I just say again for the love of god people are wasting their money…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: I have a skin care secret for you. Come close, and I’ll tell you. It’s what most of the derm residents are using. #der…
RT @DrStevenTChen: Want to hear a joke?
What’s bumpy & painful, & “read” all over?
A #tweetorial/#medthread on ERYTHEMA NODOSUM!
Now tha…
RT @DermatologyJC: We have a paper for the July 17 9 PM EST journal club! A really exciting and hot topic: managing the immune-related cut…
Treatments for chronic pruritus outside of the box… #dermatolgy #dermatologia
Tropical #dermatology #dermatologia by @eadv
On Tue, 30 July at 14h CEST: Dr. Markus Starink, dermatologist @amsterdamumc, will run the #EADVwebinar "Tropical #Dermatology, not so exotic at all?". REGISTRATION here:
— EADV (@eadv) July 16, 2019
RT @eadv: Finding correlations where human mind cannot do it allows the design of predictive complex algorithms that will help clinicians m…
Eczema apps conformance with clinical guidelines – the large variance in quality of eczema apps highlights the need…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: I’ve put all my #dermatology tweetorials and pearls in one place! #meded #FOAMed #medtwitter
Skin microbiome differences relate to the grade of acne vulgaris microbial-based strategies…