Tweet Archive for July 2019 « page 2
Decoding the future of #AI & deep learning in dermatology – I’m thrilled to have been invited to introduce and chai…
RT @ducrest: Drugs and #skin: What you should know. The example of the cannabis… #dermatology #dermatologia https://…
Modulators of the endocannabinoid system influence skin barrier repair, epidermal proliferation, differentiation an…
Please look at this post about people of color get sunburned and skin cancer. #dermatology #skincancer…
RT @AdeAdamson: For skin cancer prevention the answer is certainly not “yes” in people that identify as black. Not even close.…
RT @JAADjournals: Oral tranexamic acid (TA) in the treatment of melasma: A retrospective analysis: #JAADGameChanger…
RT @ducrest: @RoxanaDaneshjou @AMostaghimi Awesome. #dermatology #dermatologia – The Truth is Out There? Facts, Alternative Facts, and the…
@RoxanaDaneshjou @AMostaghimi Awesome. #dermatology #dermatologia – The Truth is Out There? Facts, Alternative Fact…
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Get excited! This Thursday Stanford Dermatology grand rounds live tweeting featuring @AMostaghimi giving a talk titled…