Tweet Archive for May 2019 « page 2
RT @ducrest: @DrDorisDay A wonderful journey into #dermatology #skincare and above all a great person that I’m honored to know a little
RT @DrDorisDay: The future is now: can a skin cream being studied for benefits against alzheimers and other age-related diseases. #dermato…
@DrDorisDay A wonderful journey into #dermatology #skincare and above all a great person that I’m honored to know a little
RT @DrDorisDay: Have you read this?…
#beyondbeautiful #book #amazonbestseller #GreatReads #dermatology
RT @DrDorisDay: DIY sunscreens… in a word, don’t!
Excellent article by @KorinMiller explains why
#dermatology #ASDSskinMD #asdsskinexpe…
RT @JIDJournal: Check out the JID Skin Biology Lecture Series, which is a series of presentations that review and explain fundamental theme…
RT @JIDJournal: Validation of Scratching Severity as an Objective Assessment for Itch
RT @CDC_Cancer: Public health practitioners: DYK that 1 in 3 adults has gotten sunburn in the past year, increasing their risk for skin can…
What is the evidence behind the medical dictum prohibiting procedural interventions in the setting of isotretinoin…
Population-level internet search behavior may be a valuable tool to estimate cancer incidence and mortality rates.…