Tweet Archive for April 2019 « page 2
RT @ducrest: @JAMA_current Thanks your health misinformation Viewpoint. Next to Journals I think that Academies and individual doctors have…
@JAMA_current Thanks your health misinformation Viewpoint. Next to Journals I think that Academies and individual d…
RT @ducrest: Mindfulness and #Skin
1/ Importance of mindfulness in dermatology patients
2/ more about dermatology…
RT @ducrest: @JAMA_current Health misinformation and falsehoods – a very well thought article. Extremely relevant for my domains of interes…
@JAMA_current Health misinformation and falsehoods – a very well thought article. Extremely relevant for my domains…
@rogersimard Thanks Roger. @AdeAdamson FYI
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: @dschless @DermatologyJC @ducrest #nephjc also has amazing summaries, a website, and patient perspectives. They have s…
RT @JAMADerm: Systemic #antibiotic treatment of #acne alters the skin microbiota, with variable recovery across individuals and parallel ch…
RT @JAMADerm: How can we address our patients’ questions regarding the skin #microbiome?
RT @AdeAdamson: Issues in Dermatology: Snake Oil for the 21st Century This was written 20 years ago, still applies.…