Tweet Archive for April 2019 « page 11
RT @hughesedits4u: Did you know that only one year of indoor tanning increases your #melanoma risk by 47%? #melanomaawareness…
#MelanomaAwareness Data suggest indoor tanning may promote melanomas that arise in skin with low-chronic sun-induce…
Sunscreen use could lead to better blood vessel health: New study finds chemical sun protection preserves nitric ox…
RT @DrDorisDay: I see the most sunburns in the spring! Enjoy your time outdoors, please be #sunsmart
Will Moisturizers With SPF Protect Yo…
RT @AdeAdamson: NEJM: Machine Learning in Medicine it is interesting that they used the skin and early melanoma.
RT @MishaRosenbach: I know I’ve gotten an influx of followers lately – I see you and appreciate you! Some are Derm, some are med, and some…
RT @MishaRosenbach: Another great one for #dermtwitter– so rare, never seen a pic of it like this
A 27-year-old man presented with a 3-month history of progressive obstruction and bleeding from the right naris. Physical exam showed this red, granular, pedunculated, nonpulsatile mass that obstructed the right nasal cavity and bled on touch.
— NEJM (@NEJM) April 4, 2019
El hashtag #dermatologia tuvo 16 millones de impresiones en marzo, y aquí están los influyentes: por favor, sigamos…