Tweet Archive for January 2019 « page 6
No sunscreen is not the new margarine!
Yes, by Rowan Jacobsen…
No, for the love of all that…
RT @AdeAdamson: Among 985 866 courses of oral antibiotics prescribed by 11 986 unique dermatologists over the 9 year period, the author fou…
RT @PennMedNews: Dermatologists prescribe more antibiotics than any other specialty, but the way doctors use them is changing. Which condit…
RT @AdeAdamson: New research out in @JAMADerm by @DrJohnBarbieri and colleagues at @PennMedicine:….
The authors fi…
#Dermatologists prescribe more oral antibiotic courses per clinician than any other specialty.
1/ Trends in Oral AT…
RT @ducrest: Multidrug resistance and development of new #antibiotics! A must read from @bmj_latest… #AntibioticResi…
RT @ducrest: “Misuse of science” a threat to the beauty industry – by Francine Lamoriello @PCPC_News… via @Cosmetics…
RT @AdeAdamson: For the love of all that is holy, please wear sunscreen Thank you @lemonsand for writing this piece…
RT @briancapell: #Epigenetic therapy has tremendous potential for clinical #medicine as highlighted here in @NatureRevGenet…
RT @DrRamonGrimalt: Do you know @F1000 ? They offer a rather useful system to avoid reading full articles and to easily get a comment on th…