Tweet Archive for December 2018 « page 6
Does dark matter really cause skin cancer? Have a guess.… #skincancer #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @ducrest: Skin bleaching #skinbleaching among Nigerians is dreadful – check @vanguardngrnews post. Promote #antiskinbleaching.
RT @ducrest: The global prevalence and correlates of #skin bleaching – #skinbleaching is a serious global public health issue and should be…
The global prevalence and correlates of skin bleaching: a meta‐analysis and meta‐regression analysis via @intjderm…
The role of systemic treatments for skin lightening – a review article…
#skinpigmentation #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @DermatologyJC: With the holidays coming up, want to check if people can make #dermjc on Dec 19 at 9 PM EST or prefer January! #dermatol…
Digital snake oil!…. via @TheLancet by @mgtmccartney. The only thing that #digitalmedicine n…
#VitiligoAwareness #vitiligo. #dermatology #dermtwitter
Got to love those resident memory T cells. Targeting them is the key to the next generation of #biologics.@HarrisVitiligo doing superhero things for our #vitiligo patients! Can’t wait to see you in DC John! #dermatology
— Michelle Rodrigues (@MRodriguesMD) December 15, 2018
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Just a friendly reminder that tanning can lead to increased sun damage and increased risk of skin cancer. And in the c…