Tweet Archive for November 2018 « page 4
ICIJ publishes new investigation: the Implant Files – a stunning investigation by ICIJ @ICIJorg #plasticsurgery…
RT @CebdNottm: Too busy to keep up with the latest systematic reviews and guidelines in Dermatology?
Let us help – our monthly emails con…
@rdellavalle @CebdNottm . For any #dermatology review you can tag me and I will Like and RT. All the best.…
RT @rdellavalle: I am running for the Cochrane Governing Board because I am a true believer in Cochrane’s goals and mission, and I want to…
RT @eczemasociety: Can you help @CebdNottm at the @UniofNottingham to develop a new questionnaire about #eczema control? They are looking t…
RT @CochraneUK: Probiotics for treating eczema.
Discover the latest Cochrane evidence from @CebdNottm: https://t.c…
RT @DermatologyJC: Looking forward to this joint journal club with @NephJC! Save the date! #dermatology #dermatologia #medtwitter #MedEd #…
RT @DrDorisDay: Tanning beds, for when the sun isn’t giving you skin cancer or aging your skin fast enough!
#tanning #tanorexic #ta…
RT @AdeAdamson: New @JAMADerm cost-effectiveness study on use of combination Talmogene Laherparepvec (Tvec) + ipilimumab (ipi) vs ipi alone…
Tanning Bed Use Hikes Second Melanoma Risk… #dermatology #dermatologia #skincancer