Tweet Archive for August 2018 « page 2
Why patients seek minimally invasive cosmetic procedures? Beyond aesthetic appearance motivations, patients want to…
#dermsaveslives #skinserious #dermatology #dermatologia #aadmember
A 10-point plan to demonstrate the value of #dermatology in the health care system
— JAAD Journals (@JAADjournals) August 29, 2018
RT @SuzanneOlbricht: This is my absolute favorite AAD program.
The American Academy of Dermatology @AADmember is now accepting applications for its Shade Structure Grant Program – up to $8k to #schools and #nonprofits for shade structures, including #playgrounds, #pools, and #recreation spaces.
— Sports Grant Info (@SportsGrantInfo) August 21, 2018
#cancerawareness #skincancerawareness
Avoid peak rays! The sun’s rays are strongest from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. If your shadow is shorter than you are—seek shade! #SunSafety #Prevention
— Melanoma Research (@MelanomaReAlli) August 29, 2018
@theskintrust Looking forward to support your work.
RT @theskintrust: The SkinTRUST Society®, led by dermatologists, launches the first global standard for cosmetics and everyday skin care pr…
FACE‐Q Skin Cancer Module for measuring patient‐reported outcomes following facial skin cancer surgery…
@MishaRosenbach @AdeAdamson FYI FDA Approves a New Over-the-Counter Sunscreen Product back in 2006…
RT @AdeAdamson: FDA hasn’t approved new sunscreen chemicals in past 20 years and melanoma rates are rising If it wa…
RT @ducrest: Women – les Femmes! Lee McQueen by Ann Ray
Mon coup de ❤️ this year at #lesrencontresdarles. And here are some photos of the e…