Tweet Archive for August 2018 « page 13
RT @SergioVanoG: An interesting metanalysis of the effectiveness of contact immunotherapy for #AlopeciaAreata has been recently published i…
RT @HislopMD: Public service announcement…
The following words are likely being used by those who will take your money but not improve y…
RT @AdvancingDerm: #FDA is holding a public workshop of #skin safety testing for topical products… #dermatology tox…
RT @hpsoyer: If we like it or not the answer is simply yes:-)
BBC News – Gel and acrylic nails allergy warning… #dermatology #dermatologia
Melanoma linked with CLL, close monitoring recommended… #dermatology #dermatologia #skincancer
FDA Advisors Like Novel Tetracycline Analogue – Recommend approval for omadacycline in pneumonia, skin infections…
About #vagina #vulvovaginal cosmetic procedures – very wise 9 points statement from the International Society for t…
RT @bmj_latest: How the requirement for patients with suspected cancer to be seen within two weeks has overwhelmed dermatology @Richard56 h…