Tweet Archive for April 2018 « page 15
RT @ducrest: How to Counter the Circus of Pseudoscience!…
Or why doctors as a profession should engage in the public…
RT @ducrest: The Pseudoscience of Beauty Products!MB.Cdc-b #cosmetics #cosmeceuticals
Hacking Dermatology – This initiative aims to put #dermatology in the spotlight and addresses some of the biggest d…
RT @HackDermatology: Bill Ju from Advancing Innovation on Dermatology speaking on the Dermatology accelerator! @LEOscitech and @mithackmed…
RT @HackDermatology: Cofounder of MIT Hacking Medicine, @accelmed, having a blast with us at the Hacking Dermatology Innovation Summit with…
RT @HackDermatology: Thank you to everyone for participating in the Hacking Dermatology Innovation Summit with @mithackmed and @LEOscitech…
RT @ducrest: #VitiligoAwareness VIPOC 2018 the First Vitiligo International Patients Organization Conference, Paris 5 – 6 April 2018 – plea…
#VitiligoAwareness – Woman Decides to Stop Covering Up ‘Vitiligo’ and Joins Awareness Effort…
DIY treatments to spring-clean your skin Video Dr. Doris Day shares tips on how to give you…
Dr Pimple Popper on why millions of people love watching her squeeze spots on YouTube…