Tweet Archive for March 2018 « page 10
Potential for personalized immunotherapy to large variety of cancers (including #melanoma)……
RT @IntSocDerm: Is the concept of eternal youth really as elusive as we used to think it is? 😄 #ThoughtForTheDay #stemcells #Regeneration #…
RT @DermpathJC: “The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing” – Albert Einstein. Thank you fo…
RT @JAMA_current: In this editorial, Drs. Linder, Piaserico and Alaibac take a closer look at comorbidities in autoimmune skin diseases. Le…
RT @DrSueGross: TY @DrKhouryCDC @theNCI @JAMA_current | Tap here ➡️… for quick summary for providers of this ‘breakt…
RT @surreyHEART: ECG induced #Psoriasis (after mechanical irritation) aka #KoebnerPhenomenon, via @NEJM #FOAMed #Dermatology #DermEd #Cardi…
RT @franvilmar: @SergioVanoG @aedv_es @tdelacierva @comsalud @elpais_espana @elmundoes @Desaze @ducrest @luciapediatra @RaquelBlascoR @joan…
@SergioVanoG @aedv_es @tdelacierva @comsalud @elpais_espana @elmundoes @Desaze @luciapediatra @RaquelBlascoR…
Chemical peels can be safe treatment option for people with darker #skin… #dermatology #dermatologia #skincolor
RT @SergioVanoG: Warning 🚨🚨🚨 #SaludSinBulos: Quemar el pelo 🔥 NO hace que se caiga menos!!! Madre mía que artículo… please RT!