Tweet Archive for February 2018 « page 4
#skincancerawareness Aggressive Skin Cancer Rates Skyrocketing: +95% in last decade! only primary prevention will s…
@sewoHJR @eadv @Wiley_Health You are wellcome. I’m not a doctor, just fascinated by #skin and #dermatology trying t…
“What causes a tight foreskin?” #dermatology #dermatologia #skinhealth… #dermatology #feedly
Adult female acne webinar Feb 28 w/ @DrDorisDay @DrAnjaliMahto @SincerelyCass11 & Pr A Layton. Please join us…
RT @DrAnjaliMahto: Delighted to have been invited on @BBCWomansHour this morning to discuss #acne and it’s effects! #dermatology #skinposit…
RT @rchawla84: @ducrest @bmj_latest A tiny becteria fights & win multi billion pharma industry
Where from it gets that power
Our own host d…
RT @ducrest: The UN is finally treating antibiotic-resistant superbugs like a catastrophic threat #AntibioticResistance…
RT @ducrest: What is the #evidence for #AntibioticResistance in acne, and how does resistance affect treatment? #dermatology #dermatologia…
RT @ducrest: Support #AntibioticAwarenessWeek – Food industry must act to safeguard the future of antibiotics via @TheLancet…