Tweet Archive for January 2018 « page 14
Banning Under-18 Injectables… Good principle but do we need to legiferate? Will be discussin…
RT @DrDorisDay: Don’t forget to tune in to Good Day New York at 9:20am ET today! I’ll be talking about hand rejuvenation, hair and my new b…
RT @alisonmawright: @ducrest The problem with HS sufferers relates to our skin being impenetrable to most hair follicles, blocked pores are…
RT @ducrest: Do Primary & Secondary #Melanoma prevention efforts make a difference? I guess the difference is big see @JAMAInternalMed July…
RT @ducrest: #SkinCancer Prevention!This is paramount @JAMAInternalMed… Stay tuned 4next #skinaid editorial #melanom…
RT @alisonmawright: @ducrest Thanks for retweeting. The exudate contains hair follicles, hairs that have not been able to penetrate the to…
RT @alisonmawright: @ducrest Thanks. This approach treats the inflammation as the problem and prescribes medications to reduce the activit…
#AAD2018 Poster review: Sensitive skin in France: Updated epidemiological data… Prevalence o…
#AAD18 Poster review: Who is most likely to get a tattoo? – Epidemiological study on a representative sample of 5,0…
Why #sunscreens shld have a key role in primary prevention campaign? #AAD18 Poster review: Comparison of Google sea…