Tweet Archive for August 2017 « page 14
RT @ISFcharity: Remember: no sun-baking & no sun-burning #Melanoma diagnoses rising @Elave_Skincare @BiodermaIE #ProtectAndInspect https:/…
RT @drdavidsamadi: 7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Skin via @goodhealth #health #skinhealth #beauty #wom…
Tanning industry is worth $5billion/year, & spend money spreading misinformation abt the “benefits” of tanning beds…
RT @AADskin: Everyone should take steps to protect their skin from the sun, but if you’re using products with AHAs, you need to be extra ca…
RT @DrWalHussain1: Don’t let acne scars get you down!
RT @AiRSFoundation: Certain screenings are unnecessary and costly once patients reach a certain age. So why continue to get them? https://t…
RT @NEJM: The Changing Face of Clinical Trials: Evidence for Health Decision Making — Beyond Randomized, Controlled Trials…
RT @drgaurangjoshi: Join us at #London for One day Seminar on #Ayurveda #Dermatology by Dr.Gaurang Joshi on 16th September 2017… https://…
RT @EMJDermatology: #MKTP #surgery has long-term benefit for restoring #skin #pigmentation in #vitiligo patients. #Dermatology…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Results for post-market drug studies required by @US_FDA not consistently published.