Tweet Archive for June 2017 « page 7
Nonablative Fractional Laser Resurfacing in #Skin of Color: Evidence-based Review via @JCADermatology…
RT @drheatherfurnas: Deceptively simple solution for refractory #melasma @prsjournal @DrRodRohrich… #plasticsurger…
RT @Coco_Dechelette: #peau_psyche [BibliPEAUthèque] n°8
Livre Effets de PEAU. La peau pour le dire.
La peau est un lieu d’expression et a…
RT @Coco_Dechelette: #peau_psyche
Jeudi 22 juin 2017- Brest – 25ème Forum Peau Humaine et Société
« Le plus profond dans l’homme, c’est la…
17th congress of the EU Society for #dermatology and Psychiatry. #skinhealth #dermatologia #skin
"#peau_psyche" on @LinkedIn
— Peau_à_Peau (@Coco_Dechelette) June 20, 2017
RT @imcasacademy: Only 7 days to go before the webinar: register now!
June 28th, 8:30 PM (Paris time) #dermalfi…
#skincancer centric #chatbot will do part of the job of #skincancer primary prevention #dermatology #dermatologia…
RT @ducrest: #getevidenceoutoflibraries This is my “raison de vivre” specially Re #skin #dermatology #dermatologia #skinhealth #skincancer…
Thank u4 sharing.This is mainly secondary prevention! To stop #skincancer epidemic only primary prevention do the j…
RT @jselanikio: Using @IBMWatson to Diagnose Skin Cancer: Interview with Computer Vision Scientist, Noel Codella #A…